Tapeçarias de Portalegre

Portalegre Tapestries Manufacturers is one of the last places in the world dedicated to the rich and ancient art of wall tapestry. A Portalegre tapestry is an original work of art developed in partnership with the artist, the designer and the weaver. Each individual thread can hold within itself a variety of different colours giving the possibility of producing effects of depth, transparency and three dimensions. Everything is done by hand: enlargement of the original, study of the colours, weaving on vertical looms and authentication by the artists.

More than two hundred artists have worked with Portalegre Tapestries Manufacturers, among them Almada Negreiros, Vieira da Silva, Lourdes Castro, Álvaro Siza Vieira, Rigo 23, Jean Lurçat, Le Corbusier and Tom Phillips.

Manufactura de Tapeçarias de Portalegre